Skill Relate International
Active | Passive | Interactive | Blended | Structured | Reflective | Peer-reviewed | Online

Become a Skill Relate Accredited Training Provider

Skill Relate certification and accreditation service is a unique consultancy and training approach based on offering Skill Points (SP) across all industry sectors. We have experience of more than 20 years in the training, education, and consultancy sector. 

We understand that there is increased demand for professionals to undertake skilled courses regardless of any industry sector, job, position, role, career, or responsibilities. We have introduced a unique terminology "Skill Points (SP) to fill the gap between the skills and knowledge. The Skill Relate certification and accreditation service allows organisations to formalise their training, workshops, webinars,  seminars, conferences, online, e-learning, distance learning, and research events suitable for Skill Points (SP). Organisations will gain following benefits to become Skill Points (SP) providers:

  • Provide accredited training courses
  • Present your organisation as knowledge experts
  • Provide and maintain high quality training courses to your target audience
  • Gain international success and brand recognition
  • Overcome market competition
  • Gain more participants for events and courses
  • Enhance business opportunities
  • Showcase your courses as Skill based courses rather than common training's
  • Increase knowledge retention and engagement
  • Meet your training objectives and much more!

Interested organisations can become accredited for Skill Points (SP). We offer certification service from small training and consultancy organisations to multi-national, education institutes including schools, colleges, universities, vocational institutes, local authorities, event organizers, government organisations, manufacturing, services, and consultancy organisations.

Steps for Apply Online


Contact Us

Fill out the enquiry form to place a request for becoming a Skill Relate Accredited Training Provider


Initial Review

Our review department will get back to you to acquire further details and offer relevant membership levels. We have different membership levels suited to individual needs


Submit Learning Resources

Once we have reached a mutual decision about the service required. You will be requested to submit your learning material. We will provide the requirements and guidance through continuous communication


Learning Review

We will review your submitted learning resources and update you for approval or you will be contacted for additional documents. Membership models will be provided based on requirements



Formal approval will be issued. Accredited organisations need to maintain high quality standards. Once your learning resources are thoroughly reviewed.


Certificate Issuance

We will list your organisation as a accredited learning provider on our website along with the accredited course details. We will issue a certificate valid for duration of membership

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we always help startups to gain visibility in the market.

We have developed a in-depth quality based structured review approach that ensures value being offered

Use the contact us button to fill the form for an informal consultation and suitability of your training and certifications

All accredited organisations need to send the details of the participants in spreadsheet. We will issue Skill Points (SP) and certificate to the participants. This service is available at no additional cost

We offer annual memberships. Organisations need to pay their annual membership fees to maintain accreditation

We will issue the Skill Points (SP) based on provided learning resources and duration of the training/event. 

You can take accredited training courses through our partners or through our website. We offer wide range of courses

We consider it as the value-added activity that improves skills of participants

Enquire today

Fill The Form Below

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